Great Migration: The greatest show on earth

The Great Migration in Africa is an annual event that sees millions of wildebeest, zebra, and other hooves migrate across the Serengeti and Mara ecosystem in East Africa. This migration involves the movement of large herds of animals from the Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to the Maasai Mara National Reserve in Kenya and back again, as they search for food and water while facing predators like crocodiles, lions, and leopards. Along the way, the migrating animals give birth to future generations and that is why it’s an ongoing loop called the ‘circle of life’.
What is the best time to see the Great Migration?
The Great Wildebeest Migration is a year-round eternal loop where millions of animals travel long distances across the savannah, so you can basically witness the great migration any time of the year. It’s an amazing sight and one of the most well-known natural events in Africa.
If you want to see a specific part of the migration, for example, the spectacular Mara River crossing, then it’s best to look for a great migration safari from July until October.

The best time to see newborns (known as the calving season) is around the months of December until March.

Where to see the Great Migration in East Africa?
You can witness the migration of wildebeest and zebras in the Serengeti and Mara ecosystem. Exact locations are hard to predict as their journey depends on weather conditions, like rainfall and the lack of rain. The wildebeest basically follow the rains and the growth of new grass. Some of the best places that offer a chance to see East Africa’s Great Migration are:
Ngorongoro Conservation Area for newborns during the calving season
Serengeti National Park where large herds of wildebeest and zebras congregate to cross the Grumeti River and where Wildebeest start to mate
The Mara River is where migrating animals have to cross the river to get to the fertile grassland of the Masai Mara in Kenya with major threats of crocodile attacks.

The Masai Mara National Reserve where the animals finally made it to the fertile feeding grounds to regain their strength.

What animals are part of the Great Migration?

The migration encompasses not only wildebeest and zebras but also gazelles and antelopes. At each location, they join other species such as Grant’s gazelle, Thompson’s gazelle, eland, topi, and impala.

The spectacle of these vast herds traversing the landscape together is an awe-inspiring sight!

Why is The Great Migration special?

The Great Migration in East Africa is the largest migration of land mammals on Earth. It is an integral component of the Serengeti-Mara ecosystem, essential for the survival and health of the animals involved. Additionally, it is a significant draw for those on safari and ranks as one of the top places to visit in the area. The most breathtaking view is the massive herds of wildebeest and zebras traversing the Mara River, with crocodiles lurking for an opportunity to hunt.

The Great Migration is a remarkable natural event that deserves a spot on the travel bucket list of wildlife, safari, and nature enthusiasts. Beyond observing the Wildebeest Migration from a 4×4 safari vehicle during a game drive in Serengeti National Park or Masai Mara National Reserve, one can also choose a balloon safari for an aerial view of this majestic migration.
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