What are the African BIG 5
and where can you see them in Tanzania?

What are the African BIG 5 and where can you see them in Tanzania?
When it comes to African animals, Tanzania is one of the best places in Africa to see up close the African big five, which include African elephants, tree-climbing lions, African buffalo, rhinos, and leopards. These were the most dangerous animals for traditional hunters, and can still be seen in their original habitat when you visit Tanzania.
There are several countries within Africa where in you can see the African Big Five – but the most incredible views can be found in Tanzania. This is due to Tanzania’s largest populations of each big five and is a suitable living environment for them.
Typically, you can see the African big five in various Tanzania national parks like Arusha, Ngorongoro Crater, Serengeti, and Tarangire.
If you’d like exclusive access to the ‘Big Five’ safari to any cited destinations, you can contact 
Afrimine Tours to give you an extraordinary safari experience.
In this Blog post, we’ll give you some insights into the African big five safari animals located in the massive national parks of East Africa.
If you come and visit Tanzania, you’d never want to miss the sight of the abundant wildlife, especially the African big five animals.

African Lion – courageous King of the jungle

An African lion is the largest predator on land. Preys of the lion include zebra, impala, giraffes, and other herbivores like wildebeest. A group of lions is called a pride and males are easily distinguished from females because of their large manes. The darker the lion’s manes, the older he is.

A male lion is sometimes referred to as the king, but in reality, lions don’t have a permanent social hierarchy. The dominant male in a lion pride can change at any time. The females hold the territory and stay with the pride in which they were born. They also do most of the hunting and take care of the cubs. Lions use their roar as a form of communication and can be heard up to 5 miles away.

Where can I see lions in Tanzania?
Lions can be seen in several places within Tanzania, including Serengeti national park, Nyere national park, Ngorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara national park and Tarangire national park. These national parks are their natural habitats and provide them with ample space to be vicious game hunters.

Leopard – sneaky and excellent tree climber

The African leopard is the most solitary and elusive animal of the Big 5, staying hidden during the day. They are the least seen of the Big 5 and on most occasions found alone. The leopard is nocturnal and mainly hunts at night. Their kills include zebra and antelopes like Thompson Gazelle. The elusive leopards hide their prey in a tree to prevent lions and hyenas from stealing it. A lion and leopard both belong to the African big cats, but they can’t get along. A lion will kill a leopard if it has the chance. A leopard is also a good swimmer and occasionally eats fish.

Where can I see leopards in Tanzania?
Leopards in northern Tanzania and southern Tanzania can be spotted on game drives at various national parks. You can see these enormous animals in Ruaha national park, along the Great Ruaha River. These predatory animals can also be seen in several other locations, including Arusha national park, Mount Kilimanjaro, Serengeti, Tarangire, and Ngorongoro Crater.
African elephant – the gentle giant
The African elephant is the largest land mammal in the world and can reach up to 3 meters in height and can weigh up to 7 tons. The African forest elephant is 3 feet shorter. Elephants communicate across a large distance at a very low frequency through their feet and the soil that cannot be heard by humans. Elephants live in a herd that is led by the ‘matriarch’ female. The elephant is threatened by ivory poachers for their tusks.
Where can I see elephants in Tanzania?
Some of the locations where these mighty animals can be seen include Arusha, Nyerere, Mount Kilimanjaro, Serengeti, Ngorongoro Crater, Tarangire, and Lake Manyara.
For large herds of Elephant, be sure to book a stay in Tarangire as they come by the dozen!

Rhino – most endangered species of the Big 5

The rhino’s conservation status is critically endangered. These animals are at risk of becoming totally extinct, with their numbers dwindling very quickly in the past twenty years due to illegal trophy hunters and poachers.
These gigantic and strong animals can weigh 1.400kg and mainly forage on leafy plants and eat branches, roots, and fruits.
How many rhinos are left in Tanzania?
There are less than 80 reported black rhinoceros left in Tanzania, and can often only be seen on private reserves. Rhinos are hunted for their horns, which are sold in illegal trade. The African rhino must be protected as there is a huge risk of their extinction. 
How many black rhinos are left after 2022?
There are a reported 3.700 black rhinoceros left in the world. 
Where can I see a rhino in Tanzania?
Some of the sites where these animals can be visited within Tanzania include Serengeti, Tarangire, and the Ngorongoro Crater.

Buffalo – most dangerous to humans

The African buffalo is very territorial and protective and is probably the most dangerous animal of the big five to humans. If this cow-like animal feels threatened it can become very aggressive and charge with astonishing speed. Buffaloes are mostly found in groups and large herds and spend a lot of their time grazing. Both male and female buffaloes have horns, but the males’ horns curve and come together in the center, forming a big bony plate called a boss.

The primary predator of the buffalo is the lion. A buffalo will try to protect and rescue another member of the herd and they have even been seen killing a lion after the lion had killed a member of the group. Although the African buffalo and water buffalo resemble each other, they are not closely related.

Where can I see the African buffalo?
When it comes to popular destinations where you can glimpse these magnificent animals, visiting Kilimanjaro, Nyerere, Tarangire, Arusha, and Ngorongoro Crater won’t disappoint
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